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1997 Sleeping Beauty
2002 The White Cat
2001 Beauty and the Beast
2000 Cinders, The True Story
1999 Babes in the Wood
1998 Aladdin
1997 Sleeping Beauty
1997 Gosforth's Fete
1996 Dick Whittington
1995 Mother Goose
1994 Ali Baba
1993 Frankenstein
1993 Revue
1992 Tom the Piper's Son

Sleeping Beauty was our 1997 production. It is the classic tale of an evil witch tricking a young princess into pricking her finger. In an attempt to save her, a good fairy sends her to sleep for a hundred years until a handsome prince can wake her with a kiss.

The pantomime is quite unusual since its villain is actually a villainess. June stepped into the shoes admirably aided by some good support from Margaret as her dim son.

We continued our tradition of having a superb act two opening dance. This was to Michael Jackson's Thriller and you can see the dancers in the picture to the right.

A major innovation here was the use of ultraviolet lighting. Until actually experienced, it is difficult to describe the effect such lighting has when done well. Even within the confines of our rather small stage, the result this year was wonderful. Unfortunately there are no photographs to demonstrate this since, naturally, any flash negates the ultraviolet.

All of recent pantomimes have some sort of video evidence, but this year Harry Lobley offered his services. He is an amateur video buff who has the capability to edit and such like. His results are excellent, taking taping from different nights, including the dress rehearsal, he produces a very slick and professional product.

Martin and June Bobbing along! The ghostly chorus The villains, Margaret and June Cara and Sue Martin and Ken Karen, Sue and Jessica as the good fairies Cara and Frances