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Archive Productions
2002 The White Cat
2001 Beauty and the Beast
2000 Cinders, The True Story
1999 Babes in the Wood
1998 Aladdin
1997 Sleeping Beauty
1997 Gosforth's Fete
1996 Dick Whittington
1995 Mother Goose
1994 Ali Baba
1993 Frankenstein
1993 Revue
1992 Tom the Piper's Son

I’m afraid that at present there are no photographs of this unique experience. I know that people did take some, so if you are one of those people then please get in touch and they can be added to the archive.

No photographic evidence to this is rather a shame since all involved had a lot of fun.

Rehearsed in four weeks, It was performed in a marquee at a village fete in the middle of a downpour which is unbelievably appropriate since the play is set in a marquee at a village fete in the middle of a downpour. The fact that the front row of the audience were no more than a foot away from the actors gave it a rather cosy feel and added to its charm

The programme