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1998 Aladdin
2002 The White Cat
2001 Beauty and the Beast
2000 Cinders, The True Story
1999 Babes in the Wood
1998 Aladdin
1997 Sleeping Beauty
1997 Gosforth's Fete
1996 Dick Whittington
1995 Mother Goose
1994 Ali Baba
1993 Frankenstein
1993 Revue
1992 Tom the Piper's Son

Our 1998 production was Aladdin. Written by Ron Hall, it follows the attempts of the Dame, Widow Twanky's son to win not only the heart of the Emperor's Daughter but the fabled lamp. Eventually, in the middle of the desert they trick the evil Uncle Abanazar into drinking poisoned wine and so escape with the spoils.

Of particular note this year was the performance of 'Three Little Maids' from The Mikado by the Emperor's daughter, her friend Ah Choo and the dame. Should anyone wish to emulate the proceedings, I have thoughtfully included a link to the piano piece recorded for it. It's here; remember to keep waving those fans though!

Catherine, Ken, Martin and Stephen Three Little Maids June and Margaret The Chorus