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1993 Frankenstein The Panto
2002 The White Cat
2001 Beauty and the Beast
2000 Cinders, The True Story
1999 Babes in the Wood
1998 Aladdin
1997 Sleeping Beauty
1997 Gosforth's Fete
1996 Dick Whittington
1995 Mother Goose
1994 Ali Baba
1993 Frankenstein
1993 Revue
1992 Tom the Piper's Son

Speak to anyone from the group who have been involved for a while and most will say that this was one of the shows that they remember with fondness, as opposed to trying to instantly forget. On the face of it, Frankenstein is not the sort of story that a pantomime can be made out of, however David Swan, the author managed.

In this version Frankie is the hero and the villains are the evil Granula and her rather drippy son Dracula. Martin and Ian played these roles and seemed to have enjoyed themselves, particularly on the final night when the 'Bloody Marys' were real. All this in front of the poor disembodied head of Alison playing Heidi, the heroine.

Equally scary was the first entrance of the Delightful "Schoolgirls" pictured. With flailing hockey sticks in full voice, it was quite imposing. I know you'd never believe it, but one of the schoolgirls in the picture is a man in drag. Can you guess which one?

Ian's teeth were none of the usual joke plastic ones, they were created by his dentist. And at no cost!

Sue, Ken, June, Sue, Judith and Ruth Tim and Paul Tim, Margaret, Ali, Nick and Paul Ian as Dracula